Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Deciding to blog

Well here goes nothing! I've been thinking about blogging since I became a new mom about 4 months ago but just could not commit to it.  I hate the thought of starting it and not keeping up with it.  And, being a bit (okay a lot) of a perfectionist I'm worried I will spend too much time making sure that each post is just right! Lately, Conrad has been doing so many wonderful new things that I want to be able to document the joy he brings to us on regular basis. This way I can share with family and friends but also use it as a sort of journal for myself. I have also been cooking and crafting more and am really loving it so I thought I could share that as well. So, while I'm full of inspiration from all the blogs I've been finding on pinterest I decided now is the time! So, welcome to my blog "The Blaziers"!